Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from Our House to Yours: Part 5 - To All a Good Night

To me, Jesus is the reason for the season. I have three nativity crèches. This morning we placed the baby Jesus into the manger of the other two crèches. But the one I’m showing you is resin-cast in one piece and the baby can’t be removed.

It’s the plainest of the three but carries special significance for me.

I bought it for $1.95 at the West Point PX the one year my DH and I have not been together for Christmas. He had recently graduated from law school, passed the Bar, got his commission and been sent to Fort Riley, Kansas. To keep my job, I stayed in New Jersey with our infant son.

This crèche is a poignant reminder of how grateful I was to have him back home with us safe and sound – to have our family back together. It’s also a reminder to be grateful that he is still in my life after 41 years.

Next Tuesday will be our 41st anniversary. Yesterday was my birthday. Yes, God has been very good to us.

On that happy note, and as we conclude our holiday decorations tour, I’d like to say to my readers …

… Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


  1. We had a great Christmas, and one of the enjoyable moments was your e-mail message with the days of Christmas. I loved waiting to see what came next!

  2. I'm so glad, Jean. I wish you could have been here in person!

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Eileen I just wanted to tell you I so enjoyed seeing your Christmas decorations and reading about them. That was such a nice thing to do for all your readers. You have a beautiful home. I would love to see your furry children if you would like to share photo's of them as well.

    Thank you for all you do for us.

    God bless you and keep you in His precious hands,

  4. Thank you Shaaron. And thank you for being such a great reader and contributor in 08. God bless you too.

    [Note to my other readers: Shaaron and I share a love of pets as well as crafting. She knows we currently have four dogs - all adopted street dogs. They are a challenge because of their early trauma; but also a great joy.]


Aren't you sweet to take time to leave a comment. My readers are simply the best!