Thursday, December 10, 2009

Artist Profile – Vicki Holdwick - Part Two

[Continued from yesterday .]

Is there a tool or material that you can't imagine living without?
Art Inspiration
Word Girl

Photoshop, Perfect Paper Adhesive, Pitt Art Pens.

What inspires you to create?

The challenge to go beyond where I ever thought I could in my personal development. I think I have always been a person who loves a challenge. When I went to college in my mid-30s I chose to major in math and science because I knew they would be difficult and I wouldn't be tempted to goof off.

Art InspirationSing

I've always wished I could draw and remember quite well when my children would ask me to draw for them. The most vivid memory is of a day they asked me to draw a cow. I took a piece of paper and drew an animal with a head, a tail and four legs. They were happy and went on their way. A few minutes later they returned and asked me to draw them a horse. I drew an animal with a head, four legs, a tail and a mane. They both looked at me with the strangest look on their faces and said in unison, "That's not a horse, that’s a cow."

What is your best piece of advice for those who would like to rise in their level of artistry?

Art InspirationArt Rage

Push away the voice that tells you that you are not an artist, that you are not good enough. Find pleasure in what you do and do it for yourself. If it makes you happy, that is all that matters.

What takes up the majority of your time besides your art?

Reading and working crossword puzzles.

See more of Vicki’s work and get to know her better at Faint Heart Art.


  1. What a wonderful interview and such a cool artist! I'm heading off to see her work and get to know her better!

  2. I enjoyed reading this profile! Vicki, your little piece called "Sing" really touched me :-)

  3. Here's to pushing away that negative voice! I'm so impressed with your varied interests and your ability to draw! It is a skill I don't know if I'll ever tackle and conquer. Go Vicki!


Aren't you sweet to take time to leave a comment. My readers are simply the best!