Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Artist Profile – Vicki Holdwick - Part One

Art InspirationDomino Art

An Artist’s Life

I’d like to introduce you to my friend, mixed media artist Vicki Holdwick. Take a few moments to peek into the world of another crafter/artist. I think you’ll find some ideas to help you grow in your art.

How do you describe your work?

Art Inspiration

Eclectic and expanding.

I actually began as a photographer and made personalized accordion books for several people. I then turned to digital scrapbooking and that is when I became enamored with Photoshop. I am trying to improve my drawing skills so I do a lot of sketching. But I also love collage, both digital and hands on. I'm playing with encaustics and have tried my hand at bookbinding.

The most difficult part is that I want to do it all and can't seem to find the time. I was certain that when I retired I would have so much time, but instead I find I don't know how I ever had time to go to work!

What is your creative process like?

I find that I get my best ideas from the oddest and most unlikely places and jot them down because I am involved in something else. Then when I have time to look over my notes and gather my supplies the fun begins. The results are frequently very different than what I set out to do. I have been known to get so involved that, if someone else is not around, the entire day goes by and I haven't even noticed.

Art Inspiration
Two Birds

Unfortunately, I find that sometimes I am so taken by an idea that I jump right into it without even thinking about what else is going on. I have ruined some favorite clothes that way!

What kind of training did you have which helped you achieve your current level of artistry?

I haven't had any formal training in art. I read voraciously and am pretty good at learning by reading. I have watched a zillion Photoshop videos and taught myself to use CS3 pretty efficiently. I take full advantage of the library and have read lots of books on collage, painting, drawing, stamping, and gaining confidence.

By far the best thing that has happened to me to help me achieve my current level of artistry and push me toward improving is the wonderful art community online. So many people have been so generous with their suggestions and positive input. They've given me the confidence to block out the negative voice inside me that tells me that I am not creative and to grow artistically.

I have also met several Internet friends in person and they have included me in their artistic endeavors and have become essential support to me when the negative voice inside my head gets too loud.

More inspiration from mixed media artist Vicki Holdwick tomorrow.


  1. Eileen,

    Thank you so much for featuring me.

    I've sent a link to family and friends.


  2. Anonymous7:33 AM

    It has been great fun for me to watch Vicki evolve artistically; she is my
    little sister and loves to share with friends & family, thus creating fun and interest wherever she goes. Anne

  3. So cute! I love the domino pendants. I use domino and scrabble tiles in lots of my projects too. They are like mini canvases.

  4. Does Vicki have a web site? I'd love to see more of her work.

  5. Vicki's blog is Faint Heart Art.

    Please do visit. I know you will enjoy it.

  6. Lovely work! There is nothing more powerful than creativity. It has the power to elevate, inspire and transform.

    Enjoy your journey!


  7. So Cute! I really love the dominoes!

  8. Absolutely gorgeous work! I love the two birds. Simple, yet so effective. The color and pattern choices are perfect.

  9. Anonymous4:58 PM

    You have a great design aesthetic! Love you work, if you have a blog or posting I would love to feature the recycled dominos project at Recycled Crafts at
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.

  10. Wow, Stefanie, that's cool! I'll make sure that Vicki sees your comment.

    I'm so excited for her!!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving the *love*.


Aren't you sweet to take time to leave a comment. My readers are simply the best!