Friday, September 11, 2009

“Rollip” Your New Photos into Old Polaroids

Rollip is a new online photo enhancement and scrapbooking tool I just discovered. At first I thought the idea was really weird.

“We at have developed a new site that lets you give any digital photo the classic look and feel of a vintage or Polaroid picture.”

Why would I want to do that?! I have tons of real Polaroids from the 70s that I would like to rescue. Hmmm … now they’re considered vintage and maybe I should just leave them alone.

Anyway, I went to and had a lot of fun playing around. Here’s my first effort – before and after.

You have a whole page of looks to choose from. If you pick a small (square) Polaroid option from the before and after sample photos in the right column, the photo will be cropped to a square like the old Polaroids and you can choose a Polaroid-type mat like I did. I picked one with a coffee cup stain on it to go with the theme. My DH and I were having a cup of coffee while on vacation in Cancun.

I also noticed a neat Lomo camera look effect that I would like to play with. Stay tuned! And I’m wondering if I could take one of my old Polaroids and reverse the process. Nah … but I can dream.

Tip: When selecting the Rollip effect you want, look closely at what Rollip will do to the tones of your original. For example, my original was quite dark so I chose an effect that would lighten it up. As well, this option moved the hues toward brown.

The cool background papers, scotch tape embellishment and worn seal brush in my layout above were designed by Scrap Girls graphic artists Shalae Tippetts, Syndee Nuckles, Mandy Steward and Brandie Valenzuela. The LO was created in Photoshop CS3.

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