Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wooden Letters

[Canvas Letter Wall Art by Kristina Vanderwater
Photo used with permission.]

"Crafters Helping Crafters to Be" – that's our motto here at The Artful Crafter. When I came across this comment on a prior post (July 18) about finding Wholesale Wood Craft Letters to be shipped to Canada, I decided to share it here. Comments on older blog posts often go unnoticed.


I just came across this. Just wanted to let anyone know that I sell unpainted wooden letters in all kinds of fonts and sizes and I'm located in Canada! Here's my site: Bouncing off the Walls or if the link won't show up, it's

I had the same trouble when I started my business which is why I learned to cut my own. Now I'm selling to others here in Canada much cheaper than you'll find in Michael's or from across the boarder.


Hi Kristina,

Thanks for letting us know. I hope Mrs. Bagel (love that moniker!) is still following this thread.

Your site is really cute. Best of luck with it!


For word wall art and wall art letters in the U.S., please visit Crafts Cuts.

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