Saturday, December 12, 2009

Saturday Craft Link Love Swap #5

::: Craft ::: Link ::: Love :::

On Saturdays, a group of my crafting friends and I are gathering up our best links to share with each other. The idea is to send our readers to other crafters and artists whose work we admire.

So join in the fun and make the rounds. And if you see something you like, please leave some love (comments) behind – especially on links which don’t have much yet. We all could use a little love :-D

::: Craft ::: Link ::: Love :::

This week we have free stuff for the winning and holiday crafts mixed with a bit of seed beading fun. Plus some holiday inspiration. Clues: It is better to give than to receive; and A child shall lead them. Enjoy!

Creative Dreamer
Creative Dreamer is issuing a dare to help spread random acts of holiday cheer. ... Come see what it is. ... I dare ya ...

Gadabout Media DIY
Make a cute little snowman softy using a vintage knitter, knitting loom or even a spool knitter.

Hankering for Yarn
Last weekend, Noreen met the most amazing child who dazzled her with her insight and wisdom ...

Beading Arts
Cyndi is giving away a copy of Seed Bead Fusion by Rachel Nelson-Smith! Come leave a comment and you'll be entered for the drawing.

The Artful Crafter
A bead spinner is not required, but certainly recommended, to make a beautiful seed bead Christmas tree like this one created by Shaaron.


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