Friday, October 02, 2009

The Ten Commandments of Homecoming Mum Corsages 2009 Edition

10 Commandments of Homecoming Mums1. The design will be in school colors, except for seniors where white with silver or gold are acceptable.

2. The mum will be artificial and as large as the wearer and local custom will support.

3. The arrangement must be affixed to a backing shield large and sturdy enough for its support.

4. Woven ribbons (called love chains and military braids) and/or streamers will hang down from the corsage to at least the wearer's thighs, but can be as long as floor length. [Again, check local custom – or decide to break it.]

5. Letters/symbols will run down one or more of the streamers. Wearer's or her boyfriend's name and "Homecoming 20xx' are popular, as is the name of the school's football team or messages like "Go Team!" and "#1".

Read the rest of my Ten Commandments for Homecoming Mums.


  1. LOL...This is just hysterical! I love it. I'm not sure if we have the homecoming mum tradition here, but I'm going to call a friend of mine who covers sports here for a local station and ask. If we do..I am going to make sure he gets pictures for me!

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed my tongue-in-cheek directions for making a Homecoming Mum Corsage :-D

    I don't know if the tradition has reached Kentucky yet, but it is definitely spreading far from its Texas/Oklahoma roots.

  3. big as humanly possible. That's what I've heard ;-)

  4. Can you take multiple single round backings and connect them to make one big round backing? If so how?

  5. Well yes, I suppose you could. But who would wear it, Andre the Giant? LOL.

    But seriously, I have seen a double corsage with a larger mum on top and a smaller one attached below. That was done by cutting a backing and matching cover shield slightly smaller and downsizing the floral arrangement to fit them.

    To do a really large single corsage, I would use plastic canvas and cut out a single large backing and matching cover shield (rather than stapling circles into a larger circle).

    Hope this helps ;-)

  6. We do this often in our school. 3 put together in a triangle is very popular and I have plans to make one with 5 mums for a very tall senior this year. My sons garter will be 2 or 3 mums long too. With a mum...anything is possible. Only your imagination can limit it. Example-I am going to add mini picture frames to one of my sons ribbons...and candy! He will be in the year book for sure

  7. Cool, Zephra! I had almost forgotten that homecoming mum season is upon us again. No one has written in a while.

    I'm glad to hear the tradition is still going strong!!


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