Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fun with Precious Metal Clay

Jewelry ArtWhen I took a Precious Metal Clay (PMC) class with jewelry artist, Lauri Jensen, I expected to be able to write a tutorial afterwards. I had Lauri’s permission to take photos during class and she knew my intention. As I took notes and documented the whole process, I started to realize how much is involved – way too much for a tutorial written by a PMC neophyte.

So instead of a tutorial, I would just like to share my experience for anyone who is interested in giving PMC a try. I definitely want to do more with PMC. My next step will be to sign up for Lauri’s advanced class.

Here are a few of Lauri’s pieces in various stages of completion.

Read more about making precious metal clay jewelry.


  1. Metal clay is so much fun to work with! The only one I've not been able to try is the gold...way out of my price range for the type of work I do :-)

  2. I can imagine. I thought the silver PMC was pretty pricey!

  3. And now there's bronze and copper clay and, on the horizon, aluminum clay! I love playing with metal clay, but don't get the opportunity to do it nearly enough. Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. I haven't tried metal clay yet but this post made me curious. Suppose I'll have to give it a go. Thank you for the great info.


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