Saturday, July 04, 2009

“Working” Fourth of July Vacation

We’re on vacation for the weekend visiting family far from home. So guess what I have been doing in every spare minute. I’ve been to the local Michael’s at least three times (I’ve lost count – lol), Jo-Ann’s once and Hobby Lobby once.

It’s not that I expect they will have more crafting goodies than the craft stores where I live. It’s just that when I’m home, I tend to shop for supplies online. It’s convenient. It’s quick. It saves gas and time.

So for me, brick and mortar craft store are a treat that I only indulge in when on vacation. I love to go up and down the aisles and see what’s new, pick up project idea sheets and be inspired.

I can’t wait to get back home and try my new Zutter Bind It All machine, Delta Transparent Air-Dry Glass Paints, lovely silver chain and Blue Moon Tokens Charms. I’ll let you guess what sort of projects you may be seeing soon on The Artful Crafter ;-)

But for today, no shopping …

We will honor our nation’s history with a flag raising, patriotic songs and the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a backyard barbeque and then end the day with fireworks, ooos and aaaahs.

Have a Happy Fourth of July!

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