Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Viviane, are you out There?

Open for BusinessEvery once in a while, I get a reader question, write a response and attempt to send it. However it turns out the e-mail address is not valid. I don't understand how that can happen since I'm simply responding to an email sent to me from an obviously legitimate e-mail account.

The one below was an easy answer so I tried to send it the very day I got it. No go. How can that be?!

“This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: ____________. Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain.”

In any event, I'm posting my answer for Viviane here in the hope that she visits my blog from time to time. Plus, perhaps others can benefit from the same information.

I would like suggestions on selling my crafts in my area. I'm also looking for craft or art fairs in North Carolina.


Hi Vivian,

Here is the index for the Craft Business section of The Artful Crafter. It includes the basics on starting your own work-from-home business: from analyzing your market, to developing and presenting products, to minimizing costs and maximizing price; to selling locally … and beyond.

I think you'll find this article on Traditional Craft Retailing particularly helpful, as well as this one on locating local craft fairs and other selling venues.

If you still don't find what you are looking for, please write again with specific questions.


I wish I could add "... and with a valid email address."

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