Monday, June 22, 2009

It’s Her Birthday and We Get a Present!

Jessica Sprague ClassOne of my favorite blogs/websites belongs to photographer and graphic designer Jessica Sprague. Her sites' two-year birthday is coming up and she's offering us a present. Isn't that sweet?

Here's your invitation from Jessica. is turning TWO YEARS OLD. That's right - it's hard to believe that we have come so far, and that we've been going for two years!

In celebration of this, and frankly because I just wanna share the cool stuff, I'm offering a FREE two-week photo editing class, starting July 6!

I think that this class is PERFECT for anyone who takes digital photos. Not only digital scrapbookers, certainly - paper scrapbookers will especially love learning how to put frames and brushes on their photos, and anyone who takes digital pictures will love the simple enhancements they can make to give their photos specific looks - dreamy, soft focus, urban, cross-processed and more.

I CAN'T WAIT to show you this cool stuff, and I want to be able to share it with as many people as I can. :D

It's not a prerequisite, but you might want to check out the first in her series of photo editing classes as well, Photo Editing: Good-to-Great Workflow.

I'm heading over there to register right now. Will I see you in class?

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Jessica!!!

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