Thursday, January 15, 2009

Repurposing Old Books

Book Pages Glued TogatherReader Dell wanted to glue book pages together for a purely decorative book, while I wanted to do so to make a secret box book. So we went in search of the right glue for the job.

Book Pages Glued TogatherHow would I glue the pages of a book together so I can decorate the cover and use as a table or shelf decoration?

Find the answer in Book Crafts: Gluing Pages Together.

You might be interested in How to Make a Secret Box Book as well.


  1. Looking forward to seeing the complete project.

  2. I can't wait to get it done and share it. It was a really fun project. Plus it's "green"!

  3. Anonymous8:04 AM

    My personal favorite adhesive for altered books is acrylic medium. But either way you slice it (or glue it!), altered books are a blast :-)

  4. Paper Mod Podge is acrylic, so I guess we agree, Cyndi. I wanted acid-free so my son can pass the altered book down for generations to come.

    P.S. Yes, they're e a blast but my thumb and fingertips are still a bit numb from all the slicing!


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